05-28-2008, 06:04 AM
Today was my first visit to the Strawberry River below Soldier Creek Dam. Now, I don't want to post an advertisement here that will cause the river to get pounded elbow to elbow over the next few days, but I have to say that it may be the most beautiful river that I have ever fly-fished in my life. What was unique was that I had it all to myself, which I found to be unbelievable for a river of that caliber. I only caught two browns while I was there, each about 15 inches. However, they had to be some of the healthiest fish for their size that I have ever caught! I couldn't believe how hard they fought for their size. One nearly took me into my backing. The reason that I am posting this information is just to get some broad feedback about the river. I actually fished it on a whim based on the suggestion of a local fly shop in the Provo/Orem area. So I really know little about the stream except that it was worth a try. I was told that there were a lot of brook trout, though I didn't seem to see any or hook up with them. Anyhow, any information would be greatly appreciated. By the way, does anyone else think that the Strawberry would just as well be named the Little Green River.