09-10-2008, 12:12 AM
Decided to take a good buddy (BFTer AReelMan) up to my "honey hole lake" up North to confirm my last report of over 30 fish. Got there really early this morning and on the water before the sun came up. Matt asked me what he should set his goal at and I told him I was shooting for 45 this time, so he went ahead and set his at 15. Well everything worked as planned for him, he netted 18 with a TOAD of a Bluegill, 1 lb 1 oz (see pic, doesnt do it justice)!!! I ended up just short of my goal of 45 with 42, but who would complain about that right? I had 39 LMB, 2 Perch and 1 Bluegill. My hand hurt so bad from castin, settin the hook and reelin that we finally called it a day at 2, so another AWESOME day on the water!!! All were caught on "MY FAVORITE LURE" except Matt caught one on his Banjo Minnow that made him happy since he has about 3 million of the darn things and spent $90 for that garbage!!! [laugh] Oh yeah, largest fish was only 2.12 LB, but there were quite a few in the 2 lb range!!!