11-14-2008, 06:05 AM
Cliff, I think you need to put your reading glasses on...Flyflinger, I always thought of fly fishing as an art. I can appreciate the effort and time put into it despite the elitists and their point of views (kind of like bass fishermen). I always thought of fly fishing as (you're going to scream, lol) fishing with a fly pole, that simple. You have the backer and the tippet and some fur ball leech or microscopic arm hair with a hook on it. Put it in the water and hope to catch a fish by fooling it. Oh...I make myself laugh...seriously though, unlike fly fishers most of my 'lures' are made of plastic of some sort or wood. Also, unlike ff'ers? most of 'our' lures are bought over the counter. I have been through hell and high water to find the people that have the ability to make my custom 'lures' and I'm not about to swap that for anything. I understand what you are talking about but making 'lures' requires alot more strength and alot less finesse. Yes, we 'bait chuckers' (not a fly pole) put alot of time and effort into custom jobs but once we figure something out we tend not to share it as openly as ff'ers (ok not really, I just wanted to say ff'ers again...[
