11-17-2008, 04:13 PM
Being a self taught (15 yrs ago) fly fisherman myself I know it can get frustrating at times, then one day it all comes together and the light switches on, keep reading, asking questions and picking brains of other fly fisherman and you will get some good advice. I agree with Yungun, now is the time for glo bugs, I prefer to fish behind the Redds and you will pick up some hungry bows and browns, I prefer not to fish directly over Redds during the spawn because you will end up fouling alot of fish. Remo
Being a self taught (15 yrs ago) fly fisherman myself I know it can get frustrating at times, then one day it all comes together and the light switches on, keep reading, asking questions and picking brains of other fly fisherman and you will get some good advice. I agree with Yungun, now is the time for glo bugs, I prefer to fish behind the Redds and you will pick up some hungry bows and browns, I prefer not to fish directly over Redds during the spawn because you will end up fouling alot of fish. Remo