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ct.opening day,state land 2008
day 4,bad day turned good
this morn i got up looking forward to a good hunt on state land.i was planning on other hunter both on state land and private land.were my tree stand is,i reley on pushers or other hunters.very rarly do deer walk by me,i am on an escape route.well to start off i get a phone call from one of my buddies.he isnt going because his hip is acting up.that was no problem,he is only 76 years old,i would be luck to be alive at his age,never mind hunting.i get in my tree stand at 6.15,my other buddy shows up,radios me.i tell him what happening,so he decieds to do a still hunt and slowly work towards 11 nothing,he saw 6 tails no shots, anywhere,very strange for there.when i got back to the truck,i decieded to take a cruise aroud the upperside to see how may cars were there.not one,we were the only 2 on the state land.
when i got home i wanted to finish working on the wifes jimmy,changeing the wheel bearing hub assembly.i already did one side only takes 1 hour to do,then i will get back out.i get everything back together,and take it for a test drive to make sure everything is ok.i get down the rd to the stop sign,put my foot on the brake.right to the floor,great[Image: icon_oak.gif].i get home start looking for the break in the line.found it.the steel line that goes by the gas i am in a foul mood it is almost 3pm.screw it i am going back in the woods.i head over to private land.i get to my spot.i can see my truck and garage from where i am sitting.about 45 min.i see the homeowner going to the garage.then i see a deer run from the front of my truck,down the hill.the homeowner yells to let me know something was comming,it run to a clearing and was all is a doe about 120 was a great ending to a bad day.i get to the check in station,closed,so i will have to do it monday.i get home to hand it,go into the barn to get things all set,there is another deer hanging.wild bill got a nice spike.he redemed himself from the shippy he got.the meat locker is getting full,time to start makeing steaks
[Image: 100_0626.jpg]

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ct.opening day,state land 2008 - by tomc - 12-02-2008, 10:31 AM
Re: [tomc] ct.opening day,state land 2008 - by tomc - 12-02-2008, 10:34 AM

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