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Quantity or quality?
Most of the time I will go with quality. That said, I am not so devoted to catching a large fish that I am interested in spending many trips getting totally skunked searching for the one trophy fish. I also like bodies of water where I can take the kids or newbies to fishing and I know that I can get them into fish, even though they may not be considered "quality" fish. I get frustrated with the angler who feels that all bodies of water should be quality or the flip side, the angler who feels that all bodies of water should be quantity.

Messages In This Thread
Quantity or quality? - by lunkerhunter2 - 01-04-2009, 03:27 AM
Re: [lunkerhunter2] Quantity or quality? - by kentofnsl - 01-04-2009, 04:48 AM
Re: [brookie] Quantity or quality? - by GottaBite - 01-05-2009, 11:37 PM

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