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Awsome sight to see in the woods !
this is my third time coming upon on of these newbe's . the first time , i just about stepped on one before it jumped up and stopped my heart . this little fellow/gal by size couldn't have been more than a couple days old . i knew mom had to be watching so we just backed on out of the area and circled out to the road .

i saw another one a few days earlier crossing the road with it's mom . so far no twins have been spoted . it always gets me geeked when i see something like this .

last year my youngest was doing a nature walk with me and had the blessing to see a box turtle laying eggs . no camera then , but i try to keep one with me at all times now .

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Re: [stormy26] Awsome sight to see in the woods ! - by lonehunter - 05-27-2003, 08:29 PM

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