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Strawberry Resevoir Restroom delima
I know this will probably get moved but it does relate to fishing sort of. As most of you know there is limited access to the restrooms(only when the store is open). I talked with one of the Phillips boys about the rest room being locked, and he said they're not in charge of it, the forest service is the ones who lock it and maintain it. And he said the policy is under review. He said he has been fighting with them over their policy and would appreciate any help from the public. He gave me a number 1-435-654-0470 and said to call them and voice our concerns. So if you want to fight to keep the restroom open during the winter give them a call.

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Strawberry Resevoir Restroom delima - by KOKANEE - 02-18-2009, 01:33 AM

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