03-14-2009, 02:33 AM
everything you wrote is very valid but dont you think that if you learned to drive using a cheap car that got you from point A to point B it would be acceptable while your learning how to drive. When you get to be a more experienced driver then an expensive car would be more practical. That way you dont go out and wreak your nice expensive car that was just a luxury not an essential tool to use. I just think a brand new high end rod is like a brand new high end new car and I would not want to even use the rod if I diddnt have something to learn with and beat up a little. I am just saying that I am glad I diddnt buy a new sage, or whatever is considered high end until I knew what kind of wear and tare I was going to put on it. And with how much I bang stuff around I probably still wont buy the very most expensive lux rods.(unless I get a good deal). Your right about the quality though. When you use one of those light nicely tapered rods its like driving a porche. I just cant justify buying a porche until I retire. LOL I am just a young beat up truck kinda guy for now.[fishon]