05-28-2009, 12:03 PM
Jerkneyes and duckduckgoose:
If you guys really want to learn to fish eyes you should go to one of the local walleye seminars.
But to answer a few of your questions...you don't cast bouncers. The idea of a bouncer is to have it hanging as straight down as possible to keep your bait (worm harness) just off the bottom.
For Willard a 2 oz. bouncer will work and yes you can buy everything you need at Smith & Edwards.
In fact I'll be at the N. marina sunday morning at 6:00 am. If any one wants to show up I'd be happy to show you whats working for me and the correct way to use a bouncer.
Catch a bunch...leave alot.
If you guys really want to learn to fish eyes you should go to one of the local walleye seminars.
But to answer a few of your questions...you don't cast bouncers. The idea of a bouncer is to have it hanging as straight down as possible to keep your bait (worm harness) just off the bottom.
For Willard a 2 oz. bouncer will work and yes you can buy everything you need at Smith & Edwards.
In fact I'll be at the N. marina sunday morning at 6:00 am. If any one wants to show up I'd be happy to show you whats working for me and the correct way to use a bouncer.
Catch a bunch...leave alot.