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plastic brush piles
i've sunk about 50 cedar trees this fall, but after a time they tend to lay down and are not as effective. I want the structure to go from bottom to about 5 feet from the surface. I've been sinking brush in about twenty feet of water. I work at water district so I have lots of old pvc pipe at my dissposal. I start with two inch pvc base in a cross shape with ten feet legs. then i go up with a piece of two inch from the base about ten to fifteen feet. I then use a whole saw and some three quarter inch pvc for the branches. they look good and stand up in the water but I have yet to catch fish off of them. got any ideas to improve this.

Messages In This Thread
plastic brush piles - by issuefishing - 10-19-2009, 08:29 PM
Re: [gdn443] plastic brush piles - by issuefishing - 10-20-2009, 12:28 PM

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