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Scofield November 27 2009
I was up there all day yesterday and the entire lake is still open water other than the bay that the damn is in... I wish I would have taken my soft water gear. It was frustrating too, They say you gotta "fish through" the little fish to catch a nice one, It was impossible to fish through them because they hit everything before you could get to the bottom. I never thought It would be frustrating as long as you are catching fish. For me, it is very frustrating when they are all 5-6 inchers. Minus one 19 incher my buddy caught.

Messages In This Thread
Scofield November 27 2009 - by fishmasterjoe - 11-28-2009, 09:48 PM
Re: [TubeFisherman] Scofield November 27 2009 - by ctizzfishin - 12-02-2009, 03:46 AM

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