02-12-2010, 02:55 AM
Corn used for catching trout ( would be scent or apeal)... I personally don't know, but some use Corn as a chum, by throwing in the whole can, which supposedly brings in bait fish... Bigger fish are attracted by bait fish... Honestly, bass fishing I truly believe most bites are reaction bite imitating type of bait fish are eating...
Here would be a good test, throw two baits in the water both exactly the same, one with scent and one with out it... Watch the baits closely with out moving them, if scent attracts you should be able to see fish get close to the bait... This scientific test could be used in clear water reservoirs where water is very visible... Dosen't take much thought at all to find ways to test scents and colors... Now noise is definately attractant, and I truly believe that will triger more bites than scent or color... Imitating bait fish rushing through water, such as a spinnerbait or clicking sounds a crawdad makes the lure more attracted to the fish... Trial and error is the only way to answer many of these questions... Piece of hotdog I caught my biggest carp off of, so there are many home made recipes that can be used to catch fish....
Here would be a good test, throw two baits in the water both exactly the same, one with scent and one with out it... Watch the baits closely with out moving them, if scent attracts you should be able to see fish get close to the bait... This scientific test could be used in clear water reservoirs where water is very visible... Dosen't take much thought at all to find ways to test scents and colors... Now noise is definately attractant, and I truly believe that will triger more bites than scent or color... Imitating bait fish rushing through water, such as a spinnerbait or clicking sounds a crawdad makes the lure more attracted to the fish... Trial and error is the only way to answer many of these questions... Piece of hotdog I caught my biggest carp off of, so there are many home made recipes that can be used to catch fish....