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lonehunter skunked !

Hi there lonehunter,

At the risk of becoming an armchair warrior, I couldn't have said what davetclown did in 5 times the verbage. Outstanding advice. Too many crazies in the world to not expect anything on a direct confrontation.

This guy is not unhappy he is criminal, what he or someone did has a Penal Code number and description under it and it may be a felony! I must admit, I'm a rather vendictive person with it comes to being wronged with no true provacation.

Even if the police said they could do nothing because your vehicle was blah blah blah they would still have to take a report, for your protection, if you weren't doing something illegal like tresspassing or illegal parking.

Protect yourself, there's too many nuts out there that will come after you with no other provacation than you're going back the next day!!!

By the way did you go back and fish the next day? The best revenge is to go fishing!


Messages In This Thread
lonehunter skunked ! - by lonehunter - 08-03-2003, 03:38 AM
Re: [lonehunter] lonehunter skunked ! - by JapanRon - 08-04-2003, 04:31 AM

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