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lonehunter skunked !
yea , i did go out yesterday , but , not to the same place . i had my little one with me so we went to another lake in the southern end of the county . on her first cast she cought onto a 16 " smallmouth bass . i thought she had a gill on and was bringing in a bunch of weeds . the rod was pretty well doubled over , when i started seeing swells come up i thought she had a carp on .

after i netted the fish for her she was ready to go home . i guess she figured the day wasn't going to get any better than that . her pic with the fish and a report in her own words is on the michigan page . wixon lake fishing report .

Messages In This Thread
lonehunter skunked ! - by lonehunter - 08-03-2003, 03:38 AM
Re: [JapanRon] lonehunter skunked ! - by lonehunter - 08-04-2003, 07:57 PM

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