08-09-2003, 03:54 AM
Hey there guys,
Southern California Saltwater
Report for August 8, 2003 (Friday)
Way Up North- Avila
Rockfish is about all that's happening.
Up North- Channel Islands
There was really a mixed bag of fish species today with fair counts per rod.
LA Area- Catalina Island
So many boats are fishing Sand Bass that not many are going after the Calicos at the island.
Further South- San Clemente
Boats that go can just about count on limits of Calicos but not much bigger than 12 inches for most fish.
San Diego- Local and Albacore
Albacore doing great for almost all the boats getting out. Local bite is just about what I've reported for the last week which is ....... well you know.
LA Local
Passenger numbers were really down today so that brought the landing counts down too. Most 3/4 day boats doing well with some of the poor halfday boats doing so lousy I hope they got rain checks. No Kidding.