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dinks, dinks, and more dinks at Newton
The musky do come in and eat those basslings. They just tend to wait until evening when the light gets lower, and then it's game on. Right at dusk one September evening last year I hooked into 3 in pretty much 3 casts. Granted the first jumped 3 feet out of the water and tossed the hook, the second I landed, and the third was only on a couple of seconds before he bent the hook straight. I need to get back over there, especially now that the ski boats are gone. Which reminds me, I saw a big fancy Hummer pulling an equally large and fancy ski boat heading for Newton yesterday. I wish I could have seen the look on their faces when they got to Newton and found a little mud puddle.

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Re: [CoyoteSpinner] dinks, dinks, and more dinks at Newton - by gstott - 09-13-2010, 01:23 PM

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