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Pine View Jig Bling Toothy Critter
Nicely done. Good on ya - you found the beast!
The tubes the tubes.... meant to pitch some of those in my hunt for bigger bass. Next time for sure!

Sounds like they are hitting pretty good from shore. What part of the lake were you fishing from? Did you move around alot, or just cast and cast...

I had something hit my crankbait at Newton - it was NOT a dink perch, but I don't think it was a musky. But it got off -alas. Did land some perch, and a couple crappie.

Seen any crappie down at Pineview? I heard they've got some good ones in there.

Thanks for the post and pix. PV - still on my list!

Messages In This Thread
Pine View Jig Bling Toothy Critter - by ReelMasta - 10-19-2010, 12:21 AM
Re: [ReelMasta] Pine View Jig Bling Toothy Critter - by CoyoteSpinner - 10-19-2010, 12:19 PM

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