05-04-2011, 03:11 AM
I was fishing by vernon. Fish were keying in on the caddis like crazy. Unfortunately for me I didn't have any floatant so I had a hard time fishing it. I changed my fly a few times and finally found the right pattern. Really light wing and a dark (almost black) bottom. Missed a nice hit and caugth a dink. I got tired of switching flies so much to keep them dry that I switched to nymphing and landed a 17" bow. Man those fish are girthy and fight hard. Missed a few other hits as well. Overall not a bad day at all, just wished I had some floatant. The guide school was great. I would highly reccomend it to anyone. Worth every dollar. Helped me land a job and get my foot into the business. I'll be working up at premier fly fishing in ashton so come by and say hello if your in the neighborhood.