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Survey for my graduate course
1. Which do you prefer fly fishing or spinning rods?
I prefer fly fishing but spend most my time with spinning gear

2. What time of day do you fish?
I'll fish 24/7 but usually I fish in the evening

3. What day of week or days do you prefer fishing?
I prefer weekdays when there are less people on the water but I would fish 7 days a week if I could. Unfortunately I am usually limited to weekends

4. Land or watercraft?
Watercraft - float tube

5. How many fish do you catch and how many do you keep?
Enough to feed my wife and I plus a few friends. Although I always release largemouth and smallmouth bass if possible

6. What type of fish are you fishing for?
Anything that bites or can be (legally) snagged

7. Are there any areas that have recently been closed to fishing and why?
Yes/no, a few areas are no longer fishable due to low water conditions on Lake Mead

8. How many hours a day do you spend fishing?
Usually only 6 hrs/wk but I wish it was more, one trip a week never feels like enough!

Messages In This Thread
Survey for my graduate course - by knickman - 04-21-2011, 08:58 PM
Re: [knickman] Survey for my graduate course - by swinger20 - 04-22-2011, 10:44 AM
Re: [knickman] Survey for my graduate course - by BigPecker - 05-05-2011, 04:11 PM

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