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Which is your preferred species to target?
Musky, musky ,and more musky! They're not the hardest fighters, but their explosiveness and occasional airborne antics are heart stopping. There's also nothing like having one follow your lure to the boat and then drill it when you've got five feet of line out. You really have to learn to keep your cool with these guys.
I also love the wipers when they're boiling. Those suckers hit like a freight train! I also like those hard fighting smallies, and the largemouth too, but don't generally target them. About the only time I like to fish for trout is when the water is too cold for the above mentioned species to be active. [:p] Fred K.

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Re: [lavaman] Which is your preferred species to target? - by wiper_junkie - 06-04-2011, 12:43 AM

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