07-04-2011, 06:55 PM
The cone on a transducer will only show what is directly under you. As you move through the water the fish that are close to you may move away just enough to be missed on the finder.
As the others have already said, adjust the sensitivity to help mark fish.
Play with it and you will get to where you will know how sensitive to use it.
Turn off the fish finder mode and just watch for arches to show up on the screen.
I hardly ever see fish under me when I'm on my toon, in water that is under 15'deep.
As the others have already said, adjust the sensitivity to help mark fish.
Play with it and you will get to where you will know how sensitive to use it.
Turn off the fish finder mode and just watch for arches to show up on the screen.
I hardly ever see fish under me when I'm on my toon, in water that is under 15'deep.