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Bad Day at Mantua 7-24
Get over it , all of you all.
We all know tye-dye is young and a bit abrasive, so let it go. If you want to get all up about it, then do something about it, like pray for his soul, you know, be Christian like.

Tye, to bad about the toon, it happens with fins be real careful of catfish spikes with the toon. To bad about the reels breaking, sounds like it's time to spend more on a reel, your fishing enough to justify it. Try a $100 spinning reel, you'll never regret it, or go back to cheaper reels.
Lastly, pretty punk blaming others for your own lack of planning, how long have you lived in UT? You do know liquer stores are closed on Sunday too, don't you? You can't buy a car either, that's a statewide law.
If your going to fish on Sunday, save some beer from Saturday night, or buy more and leave it in the car for morning.
Other things you may want to put on your list of not to forget is your license, a current rule book for fishing UT and some toilet paper.

Messages In This Thread
Bad Day at Mantua 7-24 - by TyeDyeTwins - 07-25-2011, 06:09 AM
Re: [smallmouthman] Bad Day at Mantua 7-24 - by Troll - 07-27-2011, 01:09 AM

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