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Lunch Break! Odgen 10/5
Yep, he had absolutely no tail. Does that mean it could be a breeder from the hatchery or something? Shame it didn't show the size in the pic too well, but his head was as thick as my hand. He put up a heck of a fight. A nice weight to him too, at least a pounder.

Neither looked like "real" river rainbows, way too pale and squishy. Both planters I think. But I'll take it!

Both on a plain black, size 6-ish woolly bugger. My ol standby.

Messages In This Thread
Lunch Break! Odgen 10/5 - by Kim-n-Kota - 10-06-2011, 07:07 PM
Re: [flygoddess] Lunch Break! Odgen 10/5 - by Kim-n-Kota - 10-07-2011, 12:44 AM
Re: [Kim-n-Kota] Lunch Break! Odgen 10/5 - by HFT - 10-06-2011, 11:14 PM

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