01-13-2012, 03:54 AM
Fished the Viva Naughten ice derby many years ago with my buddies i had met in college. One of newly found friends was a local . We stayed at his parents house for the derby in town. We decided to take is younger brother with us fishing. Fishing was slow, dead slow. We decided to do some sledding after many...many beers. Sledding was going good plenty of wild wrecks from the slightly intoxicated group. We kept egging on the younger brother to go higher and higher up the steep hill. Of course he did he wanted to impress his older bro's friends. He went all the way to the top jumped on the sled flew down the hill launched off drop bank about 6 feet high and pilled up on the ice. We the drunks all fell over laughing. When he stood up his hand was facing the wrong direction, he had snaped his lower arm badly. Oohh $h!t! We had to load him up in the truck drive him back to dads house and tell him why his boy would not be playing in the basketball game that night. Yeah mom and dad were not real pleased with the house guest who had broke the star of the local basketball teams arm. Dad screamed and yelled at us histerically. That was the last time we stayed with them.