10-05-2003, 04:37 AM
Southern California Saltwater
Report for October 4, 2003 (Saturday)
Way Up North- Avila and Monterey
Albies and a few BFT were caught up Morro Bay way
Up North- Channel Islands
As always rockfishing is good and a few yellowtail are still around from yesterdays good day.
LA Area- Catalina Island
Calicos are coming back with more yellows showing. Rumors of a few WSB too.
Further South- San Clemente
Some yellows on the backside with more boats making the trip.
San Diego- Local and Offshore
Local fishing perked up a bit with plenty of bass, sculpin and other SWR. The bonito are showing more and more too.
LA Local
Scupin, Ling, Red Snapper, Whitefish being caught. Barracuda, both species of bass also being caught on the South Coast.