03-21-2012, 01:34 PM
Tye Dye
Aside from the law wearing a full face helmet on a snowmobile is a great way to keep your head warm. At near 0* and 50 mph your face takes a beating. It is infinetly more comfortable with a helmet on. Also 3 weeks ago I was flying out of Chicken East hit a bare spot, the sled jacknifed with my Eskimo ice house behind and flipped dragging me across the ice with it. I had a helmet on and walked away dazed with bruised ribs. It could have been worse.
2 things happen in this world, your either makin dust or your eatin it.
Aside from the law wearing a full face helmet on a snowmobile is a great way to keep your head warm. At near 0* and 50 mph your face takes a beating. It is infinetly more comfortable with a helmet on. Also 3 weeks ago I was flying out of Chicken East hit a bare spot, the sled jacknifed with my Eskimo ice house behind and flipped dragging me across the ice with it. I had a helmet on and walked away dazed with bruised ribs. It could have been worse.
2 things happen in this world, your either makin dust or your eatin it.