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Tye Dyes' biggest cutt ever! Strawberry 5-22
[quote MarineSpear]That thing is a pig bro.Very nice! I'm almost back into the fishing game I'll shoot you a text when I'm ready to make a real trip out.[/quote]

We have got to get you on a river soon dude...hard to believe you hardly know how to fish a river...and you live so close to the almighty weber! The flows are too high right now, but there are plenty of other places to go. Just hope you have a pair of waders.... if not loosing gear to a tree gets expensive. Glad to hear your expirence of going under the knife with the surgen went all as planned....heal quickly dude.

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Re: [MarineSpear] Tye Dyes' biggest cutt ever! Strawberry 5-22 - by EvilTyeDyeTwin - 05-23-2012, 05:42 PM

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