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Some Camp Grounds you cannot leave your dogs unattended, or in a trailer.
I am a dog lover and I agree, if he isn't welcome I don't frequent.
As far as your dogs being well trained, I hear that often as well. Every time I walk my dog through the park and come across someone else with their dog. I will say 100% of the time, their dog has reacted in a way they did not know. I have been attacked by more "friendly" dogs then I can count, just don't know "how" your dog will react. No one does.
But if on a leash, you can control.
I do not feel dogs belong on beaches unleashed, however. Just my feeling and as I said I am a dog owner and lover. If their are people, meaning a PUBLIC place....leash them, it is becoming the law everywhere, and courteous on the owners behalf.

Can you google up your location and find out? Maybe even a phone number to the camp ground.

Messages In This Thread
PAYSON LAKES AND DOGS... - by bassassinator - 07-05-2012, 02:50 PM
Re: [Jim-G] PAYSON LAKES AND DOGS... - by roaway - 07-05-2012, 05:39 PM
Re: [bassassinator] PAYSON LAKES AND DOGS... - by flygoddess - 07-05-2012, 10:04 PM

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