09-21-2012, 04:47 AM
I've been bass man for years... I fish more for bottom feeder and bait fish now days. As my 3 boys get older, I'll teach them the in's and outs to catching monster bass but while they are still young, (10, 7, and 3) its hard to keep their focus out on the water. A few months ago we landed a 28 pound small mouth buffalo while catching little 1-2 pound channel cats. They went crazy when that beast came up on shore. As far as advertising here, I've got a banner add, text link ads and supporter signature. I like the site and I'm proud to be a supporter.
I've been bass man for years... I fish more for bottom feeder and bait fish now days. As my 3 boys get older, I'll teach them the in's and outs to catching monster bass but while they are still young, (10, 7, and 3) its hard to keep their focus out on the water. A few months ago we landed a 28 pound small mouth buffalo while catching little 1-2 pound channel cats. They went crazy when that beast came up on shore. As far as advertising here, I've got a banner add, text link ads and supporter signature. I like the site and I'm proud to be a supporter.