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2012 BFT Deer Contest Final Standings and winners.
Nothing special about boning out. I didnt remove the guts on this one, but I think it is easier if you do. I just cut off the hide then remove the bones from the meat and put it in pillow cases. I can fit a whole deer in 2 pillow cases. Half goes in each, making it balanced when I throw it over the Saddle horn. The pack from our base camp was only about a 1/4 mile. That base camp was 4.25 miles from the trail head. Our second base camp was 8 miles in. Did I mention that I saw a 170+ buck after I shot the dink? This was a totally new area for us and thus a learning year in trying to find out where the bigger bucks hang. We believe we pretty well have that figured out now. I hear F&G is thinking about changing the hunt. Figures......[frown]

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Re: [nijimasu] 2012 BFT Deer Contest Standings and Check In. - by hooknhunter - 11-02-2012, 02:27 PM

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