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2012 BFT Deer Contest Final Standings and winners.
Well I'm on the board. I hope. This doe was kindof a blur. Was going to get a pic with the BFT paper yesterday when I went to take it down from hanging for a couple days but we were racing against the fading daylight after work. I got a pic of the meat with the BFT paper. I hope that works. I got a few more pics too. I'll totally understand if it doesn't count, I feel bad, we were hurrying and I spaced it [crazy].

The story goes like this:
I talked the wife into going road hunting with me for a few minutes before we went grocery shopping, this is her first hunting experience. Long story short, SHE spotted some deer running away only 20 minutes into our little "nature drive" I busted out of the Jeep and took off after them, 500 yards away from the jeep later I caught them trying to double back on me and got the second one out on a 200 yard shot. Didn't have my hunting knife, only my pocket knife (forgot it in the jeep) so I got to gutting with my pocket knife, actually worked pretty good. Began dragging while my brave wife "off roaded" the jeep a little closer so I wouldn't have to drag as far. While dragging I took a spill backwards and absolutely annihilated my pants, it was ok though, I was getting a little sweaty anyway [blush]. Finally got it loaded and hung in my uncle's shed for a couple of days. It was fun, in the pic with my boy he kept wanting to play with the deer fur (proud dad!!) and we were all a little tired.

Quick note: that doe was as old as the hills! Not a single tooth in it's whole head!!

For your viewing enjoyment, I've included a few pictures and even one of my exploding pants (dont worry the pic is it's rated G, though after I ripped them it would be closer to PG-13 [:p]!!). Hope this works. This was an extra whitetail doe tag, so I still have the archery whitetail season for a buck!!

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Re: [chrome_junky] 2012 BFT Deer Contest Standings and Check In. - by SF_Austin - 11-02-2012, 04:35 PM

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