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Fish Lake...meh! 1-26
Started out this morning at 7:30, fished the North side of the lake trying for some pups--nothing came of it. Moved in front of the Lodge at 65 fow, fish were littering the flasher. We landed 2 incy wincy splake and then the dreaded lock jaw plagued the fish. We tried everything we had for 2 hours, fish were schooling around 50 ft and still nothing happened.

Got fed up with the slow fishing so we moved again. Tried in front of Bowery at 25-40 fow--caught tons of dinky perch, the best were 7" and a handful of small rainbows.

It was snowing all day with a few 15 minute breaks in between squalls. At least the wind wasn't howling.

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Fish Lake...meh! 1-26 - by whipper-snapper - 01-27-2013, 04:36 AM

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