02-04-2013, 08:31 PM
Yuba would not be a good place for WB at this time as stated by several folks here. One thing most people don't realize is that there is actually a pretty good forage base in Utah Lake with young of the year WB, Perch, gills, crappie, carp, fathead minnows, spottail shiners, and even black bullheads and Channel cats. While these are all present and provide a food source at different times through out the year, the other major food source in Utah Lake are midges and mayflies. These provide a major source of the diet of all the fish in the lake at various times of the year. When there are major hatches going on, you can get windrows of pupal husks on the surface of the water. Fish can filter the rising pupa as they come off the bottom or grub in the bottom mud for the larve. Yuba does not have that food source in the same degree. Yes it has midges and mayflies, but no where near what Utah Lake has. Hence it is more reliant on the small minnows that rapidly disappear. Putting WB into Yuba would only add another predator to a list of predators already there !!!