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Bonus Points System for Idaho.
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I freely admit that I've plagerized all of this, but it is an issue that needs to be addressed. If you have a problem with that, I'm sorry, but I felt it was more important to get this information out than to take the time to forumulate my own text, opinions, and reponse. The thoughts and concepts expressed here match my own so I don't mind copying.

Sent to me via Email, from a friend.

Hey guys....this needs yourimmediate attention to try and prevent a bonus point system for hunt draws herein Idaho. It’s under review currently.
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Thanks to RepresentativeChristy Perry, new legislation was introduced yesterday requiring the IdahoFish and Game Department to implement a bonus point system. HB145 states "The purpose of this legislation is to instruct the Idaho Department of Fish andGame to implement a bonus point system for controlled hunts. The currentstatue, IC 36-104, in essence states the Idaho Department of Fish and Game"may" establish the rules and procedures necessary to create a bonuspoint system. This legislation will simply change the word "may" to"shall.""
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[url ""][#0000ff][/#0000ff][/url]
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Emotions and desires aside,the factual statistics do not show a significant increase in draw odds forthose who get in on the ground floor of hard to draw hunts, but they do make itnearly impossible for someone down the road to get in (new hunters) and have astatistical chance of drawing.
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This legislation in movingrapidly and we as hunters need to contact our State Representatives andSenators immediately to get this stopped.
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Here are the contacts:
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Representative Mike Moyle
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Phone: (b) 286-7842
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E-mail: [url ""][#0000ff][/#0000ff][/url]
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Representative Christy Perry
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E-mail: [url ""][#0000ff][/#0000ff][/url]
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RCC Chair LawerenceDenney
E-mail: [url ""][#0000ff][/#0000ff][/url]
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[font "Calibri"][size 3]RCC Vice Chair MarcGibbs [/size][/font]
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E-mail: [url ""][#0000ff][/#0000ff][/url]
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[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][/size][/font]
[font "Calibri"][size 3]Senate Majority Leader BartDavis[/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][/size][/font]
Phone: (b) 522-8100
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E-mail: [url ""][#0000ff][/#0000ff][/url]
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I do not personally condone orsupport a bonus point system in reasoning is not emotional, it isbased on simple statistical facts. Fortunately, the bonus point system that wasproposed in 2010 was shot down due to outcry from sportsmen, and no system wasimplemented. I'm not sure why it is being rammed through again, but thestatistics still do not support it.
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A bonus point system will onlybenefit those who get in on the ground level, and only very slightly at that.The impact will be detrimental to new hunters and new applicants. The only huntsthe bonus point system will benefit, will be the hunts that don't need a bonuspoint system (easy to draw hunts). This information is based on factualstatistics, not emotion or greed.
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The current controlled huntsystem is the most fair for giving an equal chance of drawing to everyone. Astraight bonus point system (increased chance for each year applying) is themost "fair" bonus point system...other renditions of a BP system willbe weighted towards improved odds for long-term applicants, and terriblyreduced odds for new applicants. For hard to draw hunts, the odds only improvefrom 3.0% to 3.19% for someone who applies for 5 years, while the odds for anew applicant 5 years into the system goes from 3.0% to 0.64% (decrease of78.67%). For a weighted bonus point system (Nevada style), it is much worse fornew hunters/applicants. For hard to draw hunts, the odds for someone who hasapplied the first 5 years only increase from 3.0% to 3.26%, while the odds fora new applicant plummet from 3.0% to 0.13% (95.67% decrease).
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Current system
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High demand hunts - 3% chanceof drawing (all applicants)
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Low demand hunts - 29% chanceof drawing (all applicants)
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Straight (non-weighted) BonusPoint system (2 years into system)
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High demand hunts - 1.52%(first-time applicant) & 3.05% (max-point holder)
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Low demand hunts - 16.78%(first-time applicant) & 33.56% (max-point holder)
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Straight (non-weighted) BonusPoint system (5 years into system)
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High demand hunts - 0.64%(first-time applicant) & 3.19% (max-point holder)
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Low demand hunts - 11.35%(first-time applicant) & 68.00% (max-point holder)
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Nevada-style BP system (2 yearsinto system)
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High demand hunts - 0.60%(first-time applicant) & 3.07% (max-point holder)
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Low demand hunts - 7.5%(first-time applicant) & 37.3% (max-point holder)
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Nevada-style BP system (5 yearsinto system)
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High demand hunts - 0.13%(first-time applicant) & 3.26% (max-point holder)
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Low demand hunts - 3.47%(first-time applicant) & 90.0% (max-point holder)
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[font "Calibri"][size 3]I strongly urge you to doeverything within your power to stop this bill from moving forward. Hunting isnot about money and greed. Unfortunately, a bonus point system is a step inthat direction, and will have a negative impact on future generations ofhunters, as well as all but those who are able to apply at the ground level.[/size][/font]
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Messages In This Thread
Bonus Points System for Idaho. - by hooknhunter - 02-14-2013, 08:04 PM

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