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Flaming Gorge Ice Conditions Update
Well I'm sorry I don't have every area on a 91 mile lake memorized. Not that I need to explain myself to you or anyone else, but I've been going up there since I was an infant and I find often times an area is known by more than one name... but I appreciate your effort to question my comments.

Let me reiterate that I almost exclusively do my fishing from a boat up there during the summer and the only time I really go into Wyoming is on a holiday weekend when the Utah side tends to get a bit crowded.

Despite your negative questioning, you do make a good point. Everyone should have a map of the lake, or any other lake that size before they venture out. I guess I've become to reliant on the boat's GPS system and I should have remembered to bring my paper map home from the cabin.

So just so we're clear I guess I should say I'm relatively familiar with most parts of the lake and the surrounding area. I'd hate for someone to think I was just blowing the proverbial smoke.

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Re: [Coldfooter] Flaming Gorge Ice Conditions Update - by ProfessorChaos - 02-27-2013, 05:28 AM

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