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Upper Provo...there goes the neighborhood
[quote Theekillerbee]Some people need to do a little research before blabbing on the intraweb. The LDS church does not use tithing money for things like this. The LDS church has significant investments in various areas that generate cash flow. They used to own the land in question, but chose to sell as a way to increase that cash flow. I certainly don't agree with who is buying the land and what they plan to do with it, [#4040ff]but it is a business decision,[/#4040ff] plain and simple. The company that bought the land is the one pimping the 18" fish, so gripe to them about their sales pitch. So get your facts straight before dragging the LDS church through the mud and accusing them of not being a real charity.

I enjoy hunting and fishing, and I sure don't like to see the local farmers selling out to Wal-Mart, or some fancy developer, but they can make more money on commercial or residential properties than they can working mother earth. It is their decision, and I have to respect that.

Heck, if some company wanted to give me quadruple what I paid for my house and land to put in a convenience store, I'd probably take them up on the offer! Simple economics dear Watson.[/quote]

So, you are saying that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints is a business, not a religion?

Well then, lets figure out what kind of back taxes they owe.

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Re: [Theekillerbee] Upper Provo...there goes the neighborhood - by Troll - 04-19-2013, 09:49 PM

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