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Willard Bay South Marina 15 Aug 2013
OK, I just got home from WB North and got the boat all stowed. North marina has same "Boat Launch Ramps Closed due to low water, and the center 1/3rd of the ram is the only section useable. Right and left sides have big drop off right at the water. Good way to bust a boat trailer axle, or get hooked on it and not be able to get back up the ramp.
I didn't get any photos of ramp and dock. I got there so late and so many others (power squadron boats) were going in and coming out, and only the last few feet of the one permanent floating dock is useable due to shallow water, I launched fast as I could and got out of the way.
The channel out is still deep enough (4.5 to 8.5ft.) and the "hump" at the channel and main lake body comes up to about 5 ft. for just very short distance, then bottom starts leveling out at 9 ft. Going straight west from the north marina buoy to the west wall the depth gradually slopes down to 11-12 ft. the usual ridges and pockets here and there, but average is about 12 ft.

I don't expect it will take too much longer for the north end to get to the same shallow water situation as the south, but today anyway, small boats should have no problems.

As for the fishing today, well cause I got there so late in the day, I didn't expect much. I did hook up one smaller Wiper and an average Cat. Released both. CPR the Wiper cause too small, and CPR the Cat cause I just didn't feel like cleaning fish today.
BTW, WiperMac, the Wiper I got today was spitting out small 2" shad as I got him in the net.
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder

Messages In This Thread
Willard Bay South Marina 15 Aug 2013 - by Tin-Can - 08-16-2013, 03:24 AM
Re: [WiperMac] Willard Bay South Marina 15 Aug 2013 - by Tin-Can - 08-16-2013, 11:17 PM

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