08-20-2013, 09:40 PM
They might have had that club at my school too or it might been called best buddies or something like that. Yeah I never say it if someone like that is present. I just remember one particular incident where class was going on and I was just talking with some buddies(obviously can't remember what about). But yeah, I was just talking about a story or situation and some girl I wasn't even talking to got PISSED at me. I remember catching her glaring at me and whispering probably nasty things about me periodically during the rest of class. I'm a nice guy but when I get mad, I'm mad. I wanted to say it more on purpose just to piss her off but luckily my friend I was talking to got me calmed down.
I really do have respect for autistic kids and their parents however. Heck, the autistic kid I know is smarter than me with electronics! He can figure out how to turn on any persons tv/get it to the proper setting to play video games and literally anything with electronics. Just the other day he was at my house while my sister and I were putting together a garden table for my mom's birthday. He wanted to play some play station harry potter game on my other sisters tv. She wasn't there and we couldn't figure out how to get it on the proper setting and he was about to throw a fit but he ended up figuring out how to do it himself!
I honestly think you're making it be offensive if there's not anyone like that present. I just don't think saying stupid or some other word with the same meaning is any better. The reality of it is there's word like cus words and hurtful words but shouldn't but we do it.
I really do have respect for autistic kids and their parents however. Heck, the autistic kid I know is smarter than me with electronics! He can figure out how to turn on any persons tv/get it to the proper setting to play video games and literally anything with electronics. Just the other day he was at my house while my sister and I were putting together a garden table for my mom's birthday. He wanted to play some play station harry potter game on my other sisters tv. She wasn't there and we couldn't figure out how to get it on the proper setting and he was about to throw a fit but he ended up figuring out how to do it himself!
I honestly think you're making it be offensive if there's not anyone like that present. I just don't think saying stupid or some other word with the same meaning is any better. The reality of it is there's word like cus words and hurtful words but shouldn't but we do it.