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Boots, Browns and Beer.....
[quote LOAH]First off, nice boots. I'll be in the market for some very soon. I don't care to mess with studs, so I hope I can find some good old lug sole...or a cheapo pair of hikers.


PM me with the cost on those, if ya don't mind.
[#ff0000]They set me back about $90+ bucks with tax. I used to have a pair of Caddis Boots that I picked up for $44 and I definately notice a difference. These have more traction, lots more lateral support, and are a more snug fit. Well worth the bigger price. Wish I could afford the $250 pair![/#ff0000]

As far as the brew, I'll see that Epic and raise you an Imperial Stout. Now that's the stuff. Nice full flavor beer that finishes smoothly and after only one, I'm calling old buddies to tell them how great they are.[laugh]

[#ff0000]I should have mentioned that I have like 3 six packs of Wasatch in the fridge. I gotta try these other flavors you guys are throwing me........all sound better than what I am drinking. Thanks for the tip.[/#ff0000]

But what's this about tapping boots on a heli? I grew up around helicopters and have never heard anything like that. Many a muddy boot has been kicked off against the skids and the bird was no worse for wear.

The fuel tanks are typically behind the passenger seats. Where you tappin?
[#ff0000]Just something I read in an issue of Ski Magizine. Wouldn't be the first time that I should have not taken in every word I read in the paper. [/#ff0000]
[#ff0000]Still likely not a good idea full on assult the heli with your ski boots, that is a sure way to get the guide to blow the wistle at you. But then again, I read that somewhere too[Wink][/#ff0000]


Just thought I should add, really diggin the posts, pics, ect......from you lately. Keep up the good work.

Messages In This Thread
Boots, Browns and Beer..... - by EvilTyeDyeTwin - 09-26-2013, 05:08 AM
Re: [LOAH] Boots, Browns and Beer..... - by EvilTyeDyeTwin - 09-27-2013, 05:28 PM

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