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Doing my part at Yuba
A wheeler would have been possible, but not advisable in the afternoon. We floated over some pretty deep ruts from wheelers in the airboat, makes me think this weekend that lake will be super soft. Edges were beginning to pull back.

The elite 4 has been amazing! This was the fifth all day trip out with it and I haven't had to charge it yet! Probably will this time because it's getting low though. My dad has a showdown and while that's a great piece of equipment, I like my Elite 4 a ton better! The color screen is much more communicative and the graph mode is far superior to the flasher view, in my opinion. Being able to see a few second's history has been invaluable.

Messages In This Thread
Doing my part at Yuba - by fish_or_die - 02-10-2014, 04:34 PM
Re: [Tangled_not] Doing my part at Yuba - by fish_or_die - 02-10-2014, 11:14 PM

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