02-13-2014, 05:02 AM
No harm no fowl. Since he'd already stated the name of the lake in the title, that boat sailed (sled slid?). If you'll note - I "asked" and "offered" to take it PM. I wasn't asking for GPS points (turned down when offered, thanks anyway) so much as a general - inlet, outlet N,S,E,W...
I noticed you were a new member (Welome BTW) and though perhaps you weren't aware of the rule. I did not mean to chastise, and I hope my note didn't come across as such. I believe many (most?) members don't actually read all the guidelines before jumping in, so we overpaid mods try to help steer them. Trust me - members will jump your shark for deviations.
I've been know to call folks out for trying to act like Utah Lake is some secret honey hole. Perhaps specific locations, yes (ask TD about the "hole").
I think part of our problem here is the magnitude of lurkers who take, and give none. (then of course THEY are the ones that leave all the trash after raiding your most favoritist spot! jab)
Here's the actual guideline (I don't want to call it a RULE... I don't make those...) You'll note - it actually goes two ways.
When a poster of a new thread does not wish to ID a certain body of water, NO MEMBER will reply giving the name of that body of water. In the same regard, if a member wants to post all the details on a spot they fished....they can do so without being harassed for hot spotting as long as the fish were caught in a legal manner and no laws were broken.
If someone chooses to ignore this rule and post the name anyway or harasses a member for making the post, their post will be edited with a PM sent warning them that what they did is not allowed. If that member chooses to ignore the warning, then it will be grounds for banning that member. [/#0000ff] [#0000ff]
Now - Jeff oughta go read the rules on hijacking threads! (teehee) Panfish slayer indeed - you a funny boy!
Here - olive branch. This map is based on my own theories and some minimal experience. Reality may have very different ideas about where the fish wanna be. I really know nothing about bass-beds on that lake. Mantua is a different story...
[inline HyrumMap.JPG]
Plus - a bonus PDF, and a tad of inspiration.
[inline "Perch Platter.jpg"]
I noticed you were a new member (Welome BTW) and though perhaps you weren't aware of the rule. I did not mean to chastise, and I hope my note didn't come across as such. I believe many (most?) members don't actually read all the guidelines before jumping in, so we overpaid mods try to help steer them. Trust me - members will jump your shark for deviations.
I've been know to call folks out for trying to act like Utah Lake is some secret honey hole. Perhaps specific locations, yes (ask TD about the "hole").
I think part of our problem here is the magnitude of lurkers who take, and give none. (then of course THEY are the ones that leave all the trash after raiding your most favoritist spot! jab)
Here's the actual guideline (I don't want to call it a RULE... I don't make those...) You'll note - it actually goes two ways.
When a poster of a new thread does not wish to ID a certain body of water, NO MEMBER will reply giving the name of that body of water. In the same regard, if a member wants to post all the details on a spot they fished....they can do so without being harassed for hot spotting as long as the fish were caught in a legal manner and no laws were broken.
If someone chooses to ignore this rule and post the name anyway or harasses a member for making the post, their post will be edited with a PM sent warning them that what they did is not allowed. If that member chooses to ignore the warning, then it will be grounds for banning that member. [/#0000ff] [#0000ff]
Now - Jeff oughta go read the rules on hijacking threads! (teehee) Panfish slayer indeed - you a funny boy!
Here - olive branch. This map is based on my own theories and some minimal experience. Reality may have very different ideas about where the fish wanna be. I really know nothing about bass-beds on that lake. Mantua is a different story...
[inline HyrumMap.JPG]
Plus - a bonus PDF, and a tad of inspiration.
[inline "Perch Platter.jpg"]