02-28-2014, 04:45 PM
[#0000FF]May the carp be with you.
Yeah, I neglected to mention either Pineview or Willard in my brief list. Willard almost always has a few surface cruisers...and some of them are MONGO.
Back in the days when I swung a long skinny stick more often I got a big mirror carp in Willard on a small chartreuse nymph I had been fishing for crappies. I was using a 9' 6 weight rod with 4# tippit. That big honker kept running to the end of my minimal backing and I was roostertailing all over the lake with the rod back over my shoulder, trying to catch up with it.
Yeah, it was "only" a carp but that epic battle is still up there with the best I have ever enjoyed. Sorry to say but I kept it to weigh it. Tipped the scales at just under 25#. Only one I ever got that was bigger I stuck with an arrow near the mouth of the Provo River...right at 30#.
Yeah, I neglected to mention either Pineview or Willard in my brief list. Willard almost always has a few surface cruisers...and some of them are MONGO.
Back in the days when I swung a long skinny stick more often I got a big mirror carp in Willard on a small chartreuse nymph I had been fishing for crappies. I was using a 9' 6 weight rod with 4# tippit. That big honker kept running to the end of my minimal backing and I was roostertailing all over the lake with the rod back over my shoulder, trying to catch up with it.
Yeah, it was "only" a carp but that epic battle is still up there with the best I have ever enjoyed. Sorry to say but I kept it to weigh it. Tipped the scales at just under 25#. Only one I ever got that was bigger I stuck with an arrow near the mouth of the Provo River...right at 30#.