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DFG Trout Planting Alert for Region 5!!!!!

Hi there TubeN2,

Looks like Cerritos is being ignored again. The catfish guy was back at his spot again last weekend and you guessed it had 4 nice 2 pounders on his stringer (he was trying to hide). The time before that, as I was walking by he casually took his rod out of the rod holder and laid it on the ground and went to attend his outher pole.

I looked back about 30 steps away and he had picked up the rod he had laid on the ground and was reeling in a FISH!!! Sneaky turkey!!! ha ha ha

I cheerly yelled out so everyone on the lake could hear (sound carries over water big time as we sometimes forget heh heh heh) 'nice fish good for you on chatching your limit!' Actually he already had 6 on the stringer with the limit 5!!!!!!

I'm sure we'll be good friends someday!


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Re: [tubeN2] DFG Trout Planting Alert for Region 5!!!!! - by JapanRon - 12-18-2003, 08:39 PM

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