07-21-2014, 11:01 PM
[font "Calibri"]I never used the stopper because I was afraid of just that. What I was doing was letting my line out the back of the boat, and then I was zeroing out my line counter reel and then clipping my line into the hawk. From there I would just simply let out the desired amount of line, in this case 35’ and lock my reel in. When my downrigger cable got trashed it was because the cable that attaches the line release to the hawk got wrapped around it. How that happened I have no idea. [crazy] [/font]
[font "Calibri"] [/font]
[font "Calibri"]When I would get bit on the lower pole I would obviously have to raise my ball. It was then after re-rigging the ball with a line and lure I would drop it down all the way to 50’. It was when I was doing this that the empty hawk would just get stuck on the cable and get pulled under never to return to the surface. [/font]
[font "Calibri"] [/font]
[font "Calibri"]When I would get bit on the lower pole I would obviously have to raise my ball. It was then after re-rigging the ball with a line and lure I would drop it down all the way to 50’. It was when I was doing this that the empty hawk would just get stuck on the cable and get pulled under never to return to the surface. [/font]