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LV Urban Pond Stocking Updates
Hey everyone,

Does anyone of my BF brothers have access to exact stocking updates, or does anyone have a source that's same day or soon after?

Their phone line is really generic recordings. They stated that they would stock the "week of the 3rd", so I went to Sunset Monday-Wednesday and Floyd Lamb Thursday.

Turns out they stocked Friday. So yeah, I know, don't expect much at urban ponds. But if anyone has access to better info that would be awesome. Because if you don't get to the ponds within three days of stocking, even at Floyd Lamb, most of the trout are gone. Particularly at ponds that don't have Lamb's entry fee or distance.

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LV Urban Pond Stocking Updates - by endtrevor - 11-17-2014, 12:10 AM

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