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Catfish Contest Kick Off?
[quote SkunkedAgain]Pat I like those dates as well with the early spring possible this year. I'm glad you decided to join in on the fun this year, [#FF0000]I can't wait to see how you switch it up to go big. I assume location is the most important factor [/#FF0000]but I expect you can catch a hog out of a raingutter. Thanks for playing along. J[/quote]

[#0000FF]I used to fish tournaments in California many long years ago and just got burned out on the backstabbing, cheating, and outright nastiness. And those were the days when there wasn't very much money involved. Even if you won a tournament you were lucky to make entry fees and expenses.

But I have always enjoyed friendly competition and don't mind getting beat. Yeah, right. The catfish thing is the kind of contest where there is a lot more involved than just winning a trophy. And the fact that everybody is really helping others along the way is a good thing too.

Just don't think for a minute I am gonna give up all my hard-earned least during the contest period. I will say that location can be important. But the location is dependent on a lot of other factors time of year (spring, spawn, summer heat, fall cooldown), water levels, food availability, water activities (power squadron), etc. Most waters have an annual cycle that remains pretty much the same but is subject to the aforementioned variables.

Luck is always a factor. But you can't count on it. You also need to do your homework and go prepared for any eventuality. That includes some pretied rigs, a variety of different sizes...and tackle stout enough to handle a big fish if one is silly enough to want to play. Big fish become impatient with wimpy gear and enjoy tearing it up and leaving you shaking. If you do happen to get lucky enough to stick a megacat you need to be ready to handle that luck.

Besides having a heftier rod, reel and line setup, you need to have a big strong net too. You don't lift big cats out of the water with your rod and you don't "lip" them...unless you no longer need all your fingers. It takes a super net to handle super cats.

I will always carry with me the memory of a guy at Lincoln Beach who eventually rassled in about a 10 pound cat and tried to subdue it with a wimpy little trout net. He got the head in the net and then tried to lift the rest of the fish up into his float tube with him. That big ornery kitty gave him a whuppin' and flopped overboard...with his net...but still hooked up. He was whimpering as he tried to get it back close again. I kicked over and scooped his biggun with my larger net and accompanied him to shore. He couldn't even stand up he was so tired and excited. I tied it off to his tube with some parachute cord and it was pulling him around as he kicked his way back to his car.

Messages In This Thread
Catfish Contest Kick Off? - by SkunkedAgain - 02-01-2015, 03:59 AM
Re: [SkunkedAgain] Catfish Contest Kick Off? - by TubeDude - 02-03-2015, 12:26 AM

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