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Catfish Contest Kick Off?
Jeff, getting some heaftier rig is a good call. I bought a heavier reel last year late in the season that I spooled up with some 30 lb braided line. But I couldn't seem to find a rod that I liked that was a good match. So the few times I tried out the new reel, I had to swap reels out on one of my rods I use mainly for trolling. That became a bit of a time consuming pain. But this year, I found a rod just the size I wanted and was able to get it on sale at Sportsmans with a Gift Card given to me for Christmas by my son. ( the one that was with me on the Flotilla last year). So I'm ready to scare up some of those Bear River / Cuttler / Benson hogs that lavaman and Mike got into last year.
All this early talk about Cat Fish, I havn't seen John chime in. Is he just busy ? Hope he didn't fall thru the ice somewhere. I just might give Willard another bank tangle try this weekend, but if this weather keeps up, it is going to force me to get the TinCan un wrapped and set up.
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder

Messages In This Thread
Catfish Contest Kick Off? - by SkunkedAgain - 02-01-2015, 03:59 AM
Re: [SkunkedAgain] Catfish Contest Kick Off? - by Tin-Can - 02-05-2015, 06:21 PM

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