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Catfish Contest Kick Off?
I think it's not totally clear in the regs. The difference being "gamefish" vs "nongame fish".
And carp in particular - things are pretty open ended, at least as far as enforcement. Some of this comes with conversations with DWR officers whose general reaction seems to be "if you can take carp, do".
My boy even got accosted by a cop when fishing with a bud (worms/rods, legit) but he didn't have his license with him. But the cop reacted, "oh, you're just fishing for carp, ok" and left them be. ( I insisted he take/have his license!)

BUT - don't take my word for it, and I won't promote it in the contest. I do know Utah has restrictions of use of hooks with fixed weights, there's a fair bit of Bear Lake talk about that. And there's been some recent discussion about that.

Quote:Taking carp
You may use a variety of techniques—including angling, archery, crossbow, a spear from above the surface of the water, or underwater spearfishing—to take carp in any water during its open fishing season

It says "including" but not "limited to".

You're prohibited from even being in possession of a "gaff", but I've known of a number of folks who utilized various home-made "gigs" - pitchforks and such fashioned for "taking" carp.
I also have a "frog gig" I use to help hoist a bow-fished carp out for proper handling prior to release. Next time I get checked, I'll show it to the DWR and see what they think.

Here's one of Carl's Utah Toads. Sure he's got more. (hope you don't mind Carl)
13 lbs, and um, it was a Cutler Cat - so that's from the NORTH!

Messages In This Thread
Catfish Contest Kick Off? - by SkunkedAgain - 02-01-2015, 03:59 AM
Re: [Boatloadakids] Catfish Contest Kick Off? - by CoyoteSpinner - 02-14-2015, 03:40 AM

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