04-23-2015, 06:41 PM
I could read TD's writing for hours and not get tired of it. Talented writer. Thanks for posting this, as I had been wondering recently how to get chubs and such to fish with. Perhaps one of these days I go out and only target minnows. I was at Settlement Canyon last summer and my son kept catching 6-inch fish on the smallest flies we could find. I didn't know what they were at the time, but in hind-sight, I am thinking they were little carp. There were tons, you could see them rising all over the place along the shore to feed on little bugs. Next time, I'll know to keep them and put them on ice for later use. Thanks again for the post.
And I just saw the new version posted.
Uh, oh. . .I've already run out of lunch time at work!
And I just saw the new version posted.
Uh, oh. . .I've already run out of lunch time at work!